With working from home becoming more common, it’s important to have a clean and functional office. You’ll be productive and better focused when you take the time to organize your home office. Here are some tips and tricks to get the space in order.

Designate an Office Space

Whether you use a guest bedroom or a corner of the kitchen, it’s critical to have a designated space when working from home. When choosing an area for an office, try to find a space that will provide some privacy during work hours. You’ll need access to outlets and space for a desk, or maybe just a comfortable chair if you’re working at a table or countertop.

Decluttering is the First Step to Organize Your Home Office

Begin by decluttering the space. Remove everything from the area that isn’t necessary for work. Keep only essential items. Try to avoid cluttering your desk with pads of sticky notes, multiple pens and pencils, and stacks of paper.

Choose a quality pen, if you’ll need one during the workday, and put the rest away. If you use a computer, set it up on the desk with a mouse and mouse pad. Clear your desk of anything you don’t require on a daily basis.

Make a Print Station to Organize Your Home Office

If you print documents for work, designate an area to store the printer and supplies. Your printing station might include packages of printer paper, extra ink or toner cartridges, a stapler, and a wastebasket nearby. By adding a space specifically for printing, you’ll know all necessary supplies are at hand.

Regular Cleaning

Take care of any paperwork as soon as possible. Documents that need to be filed, mail, and bills are some of the most common things that clutter a workspace. Make a point to immediately recycle junk mail, pay bills as soon as you receive them, and file paperwork away by the end of each workday.

Keep a basket in the office to gather items that don’t belong in the space. At the end of the day, use the basket to pick up shoes, books, pet toys, and other items that should be stored elsewhere in the house. Spending time regularly tidying the office will keep it more functional and neat long-term.

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