Warmer weather has arrived. Soon, daytime temperatures will increase and you’ll turn on the air conditioning in your home. Most people expect an increase in utility costs during the summer months. Learn how to save energy and reduce your cooling costs with these helpful tips.

Use Ceiling Fans to Reduce Cooling Costs

Take advantage of ceiling fans to cool off your living areas. To boost the efficiency of your air conditioning system, set the fans to rotate in a counterclockwise direction. This helps to create a breeze throughout the space. Without adjusting your thermostat, people in the room will feel cooler due to the windchill effect.

Install Curtains

Curtains are also helpful for regulating temperatures inside your home. During the day, when the sun is hot, close the curtains to keep the sun’s rays from heating your home. In the evenings, open the curtains. This will help heat in the home to dissipate.

When shopping for curtains to improve your home’s energy efficiency, choose thick fabrics to block the light and heat. Insulating curtains also keep your home warmer in the winter months, so it’s an investment that will help your home stay more comfortable all year long.

Reduce Cooling Costs by Changing Your HVAC Filter

Your home’s HVAC system is fitted with an air filter that traps particles and contaminants to keep them from circulating through your home. This filter helps to improve indoor air quality and extends the lifespan of your heating and cooling unit. Most manufacturers recommend that you change the filter every 30 – 90 days. Because a clogged filter causes your system to run less efficiently, it is important to replace it regularly.

Run Heat-Generating Appliances in the Evenings

During the hottest days of summer, keep your home cooler with less effort by waiting until evening to operate appliances that generate heat. Using the oven in the middle of the day will raise the ambient temperature of the room and your cooling system will work harder to maintain the set temperature. To keep costs down, only use appliances like the stove, clothes dryer, and dishwasher during the evening hours.

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