Hazardous materials and contaminants may be present in your house. Learning about potential hazards can keep your family from harm and ensure your living spaces are healthy and safe. Let’s look at some of the most common health hazards in the home.

Mold Spores are Common Health Hazards in the Home

Mold spores can cause various health problems, such as respiratory issues, skin irritations, headaches, and fatigue. These tiny spores thrive in dark and damp areas, so check bathrooms, basements, kitchens, laundry rooms, and attics – anywhere with high humidity levels or poor ventilation – for signs of mold growth. If mold is present, act quickly to prevent it from spreading further. Try a commercial-grade cleaner or hire a professional to get rid of mold permanently.


Household pests like mice and cockroaches can transmit diseases like salmonella and E-Coli. They also carry parasites, including fleas and ticks, that can cause illnesses such as Lyme disease. Inspect your home for signs of pests regularly and take steps to prevent them from entering. Seal cracks or crevices around windows or doors and your foundation where they can get in.

If you already have an infestation, contact a professional pest control company for help as soon as possible.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality is a common health hazard in homes today. Modern homes are well-sealed to promote energy efficiency. However, this can lead to an accumulation of air pollutants such as dust mites, pet dander, pollen, smoke particles from cigarettes or fireplaces, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) from paint fumes or cleaning chemicals.

Here are a few easy ways to improve air quality in your home. Your home will feel fresher and cleaner, and you’ll boost the well-being of your family members.

  • Use cleaning products without VOCs.
  • Turn on exhaust fans when cooking.
  • Don’t smoke indoors.
  • Vacuum carpets weekly.
  • Invest in an air purifier and replace air filters regularly.
  • Open windows frequently to allow fresh air into your home.
  • Keep pets groomed.
  • Replace carpets with hardwood floors.

Maintaining a healthy living environment isn’t difficult. Be aware of common health hazards around the house, and take steps to remediate these dangers. Call a professional if you’re uncertain how to deal with mold or a pest infestation. There are steps you can take to improve air quality inside your home. You’ll keep your family healthy and boost well-being in the home. Stay informed about health concerns in the home to remedy the issues before they grow into more significant problems.

Buyer’s Edge offers home inspections to customers in Western North Carolina. Contact us to request our services.