Energy efficiency does not require lengthy or expensive renovations to achieve. You can save energy and costs with some effective DIY methods and changing your habits. Here are ways to make your home more energy-efficient.

How to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

Switch to Solar Power

While this is the most costly step we’ll discuss, solar power can meet many of your home’s power needs. If your panels produce a surplus of energy, you can sell that energy back to the utility company in a process known as net metering. Invest in solar panels if you’re in a sunny location and you’ll make your money back long-term.

Unplug Chargers

Device chargers keep drawing power as long as they are plugged in, regardless of whether they are charging anything. Charging electronic devices is necessary but keeping the chargers plugged in when no device is attached is not energy-efficient.

Making Your Home More Energy-Efficient Through Automation

Switching to a smart thermostat is an effective way to make your home more energy-efficient. It can be set to adjust the temperature automatically so as not to waste energy when no one is home. You can monitor and control the thermostat settings when you are away from home using your smartphone.

Limit Your Dryer Use

Dryers use a massive amount of your home’s energy. They are responsible for up to six percent of the total energy consumption in a home. Drying clothes on a clothesline is an effective way to make your home more energy-efficient and it doesn’t cost a thing.

Seal the Ductwork to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

Apply tape to seal your ductwork. This will keep air from escaping and helps your HVAC system perform better. Your utility bill will be reduced, and you’ll be more comfortable overall. A well-sealed duct system will also help improve your indoor air since fewer pollutants will circulate through the ducts within your home.

Upgrade and Maintain Your Furnace and Air Conditioners

Annual servicing of the furnace and air conditioners helps them to work efficiently and consume less power. Replacing dirty filters ensures the air moves smoothly through them and your system doesn’t work hard than it has to.

Newer HVAC units offer higher energy efficiency and premium air filters that may only need to be replaced every 60 or 90 days. If you have an older unit, closely monitor your filters and replace them when they become dirty.

Use Smart Outlets or Power Strips

Game consoles, streaming boxes, and TVs all continue to consume power even when they are not being used. Make your home more energy-efficient by using smart outlets or surge protectors and program them to switch off during the hours when the devices aren’t in use. You can also do the same with your countertop appliances to save energy.

Seal Windows and Doors

Small gaps around doors and windows allow hot and cold air to escape outside. Make sure all your doors and windows are sealed by adding door sweeps, installing weatherstripping, and using caulking around frames.

You can always get your home energy-audited by a professional to find out how to make your home more energy-efficient, which will save you money in the long run. Many of these improvements and upgrades will also make your home more comfortable year-round.

Buyer’s Edge offers home inspections to Western North Carolina. Contact us to schedule an appointment for our services.